Oscar Campo is one of our staunchest Noteshelf supporters. He shared with us briefly his opinion about the Intuos Creative Stylus and his artworks using the said Wacom stylus.
What Wacom stylus are you currently using?
I’m a user of Intuos Creative stylus 2 on Noteshelf since October 2014. When I received that stylus a couple days before my birthday, it was awesome. Shoutout to Wacom and of course, Noteshelf, it was the best birthday gift ever!
What made it stand out from the rest of the stylus?
It’s the intricacy and expertise they obviously put into the stylus, it’s really a high quality product. Also I wanted to try a better technology for a stylus. It’s very important for me, the precision and the possibility to “see what I am writing/sketching.”
What is it’s best feature?
I think that the best feature of WICS2 is the programmable buttons. It’s very comfortable to use those buttons when you are sketching and you need to undo and redo some lines and words.
What projects have you done with it?
Some of my works made with Intuos Creative stylus 2 on Noteshelf:
(other sketches can be seen at the Noteshelf facebook page)
You seem to have really mastered the art of stylus sketching and writing on Noteshelf using the Intuos Creative Stylus 2!
The Intous Creative Stylus 2 is really a great product and using it with Noteshelf’s supreme quality of the strokes, the amazing feedback in each line and the zero delay in between what you write and what appears on the screen, it’s just the 2 of the best note-taking iPad tools you will ever need.
Oscar Campo was born at Pasto, Colombia and now currently lives at Cali, Colombia. He currently works at FabLab Cali at the Universidad Autonoma de Occidente where he develops prosthetic devices. He’s also involved in the enablingthefuture, a community helping people with disabilities. For more information, visit the website www.fablabcali.org or www.enablingthefuture.org.